
Professional Men's Health and Vitality Therapy

Live Healthier With Whole-Body Healing

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Get Your Edge Back

Unaware of the detrimental effects low testosterone has on many facets of their lives, a staggeringly large number of men live this way.

Anywhere in Chicago, Illinois, Avant Wellness specializes in Men's Health & Vitality treatment. Our programs have an extraordinarily high success record in helping men who are dealing with the impacts of hormonal imbalance. Usually, we can provide you with the outcomes you want while preserving your reproductive possibilities without the use of needles. Instead of administering testosterone externally, our technique is intended to assist your body in producing more of it, offering a more effective and natural alternative.

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Unsurpassable Knowledge

Avant Wellness sees a time when everyone will get more advanced and successful medical care, leading to improved individual, family, and community health outcomes. We are eager to collaborate with patients and healthcare workers who share this goal and put out a significant daily effort to enhance health and wellness in the direction of a bright future for all.

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Why Choose Avant Wellness



Dr. Kathryn Gies is trained in the evaluation, diagnosis and natural management of human ailments


Personalized Advice

You will receive full individualized advice specific to your needs.



Dr. Gies’s diversified background makes her an ideal partner as patients explore various natural options


Health Goals

We will help you with setting goals which is the best way to enjoy a successful outcome.

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Our Mission

  • We believe that your health and wellness are a team effort.
  • We believe that every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
  • We believe that YOU should be at the center of a health and wellness care team.
  • We believe that mind, body and spirit should be addressed as one.
  • We believe that a healthy food plan and exercise are essential to wellness.
  • We believe it's our duty to provide you with education and resources that will enable you to make lifestyle and healthcare decisions that will optimize your health and well being.
  • We are committed to providing exceptional care to you, your family and your friends!
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Enjoy life to its fullest

Our Approach to Care

Our clinic offers patients a cutting-edge, welcoming, restful, and tranquil environment where they may have a really unique therapeutic experience.

Dr. Kathryn Gies


Dr. Gies completed her Doctoral studies at the National University of Health Sciences. She has also completed more than 650 hours of advanced clinical training and certifications in the areas of nutrition, acupuncture, and natural therapies for family and pediatric care.

Dr. Gies’s diversified background makes her an ideal partner as patients explore various natural options along their health journey. Kathryn’s specialized interests include hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal conditions, detoxification support, nutritional and micronutrient therapies, and lifestyle and self-care practices for optimal health maintenance.

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We Do Natural Medicine

Natural medicine employs a systems-oriented approach to treat the underlying causes of disease and involves the patient and practitioner in a therapeutic collaboration.

The profession of medicine has evolved to better meet the healthcare requirements of the twenty-first century. Functional medicine treats the complete person, not just a discrete group of symptoms, by moving the conventional disease-centered focus of healthcare to a more patient-centered approach. Practitioners of natural medicine spend time getting to know their patients, learning about their medical histories, and examining the interplay between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle variables that might affect long-term health and complicated, chronic illnesses. Natural medicine assists each person's own manifestation of health and vitality in this way.

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Lead A Healthy Life With Our Help

Symptoms are an indication that something in the body is not working as it should and might indicate a disease. No diseases are treated by us. Dr. Kathryn Gies, an expert in natural medicine, will look for the source of your symptom(s) and provide the assistance your body needs to repair itself. Her advice may include manual therapy, physical modalities, nutritional and other natural products, food and lifestyle adjustment, acupuncture, and referral to another healthcare professional since she is aware that no two people are exactly identical and that "one size does not fit all."

Correcting the cause will correct the symptom(s). Let us help you find the right option to fix your health problem. One that is affordable and doable.

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What We Can Help You With

The symptoms that each person experiences are unique, just like each person's body. Each course of treatment is customized for the particular patient. You may anticipate assistance from Avant Wellness in the following areas:

  • Natural Medicine
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Women's Health and Hormones
  • Men's Health and Vitality
  • Metabolic & Mitochondrial Health
  • Gastrointestinal Function
  • Biotransformation & Detoxification
  • Cardiovascular Health & Prevention
  • Musculoskeletal Management
  • More Energy
  • Help with Energy
  • Help with mood
  • Natural help
  • Sleep help
  • Rejuvenation with natural medicine
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Men's Health and Vitality

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